Baker M6 DeDuster - Rev 1, 11/07
- Check conveyor band belt and ensure tension is “taut” with no more than 1/2”
of deflection in the belt. (
Figure 20 & 20A
- Check the material transportation chains and ensure tension is “taut” with no
more than a 1/2” of play in the tension of the chains. (
Figure 20B & 20C
Belt tension should
be “taut” with no more
than ½” of deflection
Increase or decrease
tension here
Increase or decrease
belt tension here
Figure 20
Figure 20B
Figure 20C
Increase or decrease chain
tension here
(1) chain per side, (2) total
Increase or decrease chain
tension here
(1) chain per side, (2) total
Increase or decrease chain
tension here
(1) chain per side, (2) total
Figure 20A