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Start-up and Operation
The following procedures are suggested for start-up of the FlowMax
HP regulator equipped with Series 22 pilots. Start-up of the FlowMax
HP regulator should be made by trained, qualified personnel familiar
with high pressure systems and pilot-operated regulators.
The instruction manual for the PILOT(S) being used
should be consulted to insure that the installation and
start-up instructions for the pilot are followed. Some
equipment can be damaged if not installed and put
into operation correctly.
Single Pressure Reducing Regulator
1. Back off the pilot adjusting screw to fully remove the spring
2. Slowly open the upstream block valve to pressurize the
FlowMax HP regulator and pilot system. The regulator should
lock up (shut off) with zero pressure downstream.
3. Fully open any hand valve(s) in the control line(s) and the pilot
supply line.
4. Slightly open a downstream block valve or open a vent in piping
downstream of the FlowMax HP regulator.
5. Slowly increase the pilot spring setting until the desired
downstream pressure is achieved.
6. Slowly close the downstream block valve or vent to check the
FlowMax HP regulator for lockup (shut off).
7. Slowly open the downstream block valve to allow full flow.
Stand-by Monitor
(Upstream Operating Regulator
This procedure is based on the first regulator being the Operating
regulator and the second regulator being the Monitor regulator.
Note: In this configuration, installation of a shut-off valve and
a vent valve are required in the sense line of the operating
regulator to facilitate testing of the monitor regulator
performance. See Page 7.
1. If necessary, purge any pressure in the station.
2. Set operating regulator pilot (#1) spring at the MAXIMUM
setting. The sense line shut-off valve should be closed and the
sense line vent valve should be open.
3. Set monitor pilot (#2) spring to the MINIMUM (zero) setting.
4. Slowly open the inlet block valve. Full inlet pressure should
be present at the monitor regulator and the Monitor regulator
should be closed.
5. Open any hand valve(s) in the pilot supply lines on both
regulators. The sense line shut-off valve should remain closed
and the sense line vent valve should remain open (Refer to
page 7).
6. Open a vent or downstream block valve.
7. Increase the pilot spring setting of the monitor regulator until
the desired monitor override setting is reached. Lock in the
pilot setting.
8. With some flow going through the station, close the vent valve
on the operating regulator sense line and open the shut-off
valve on the same line. Start to lower the Pilot setting of the
operating regulator until the desired outlet pressure is achieved.
Note: When the set point of the operating regulator becomes
less than the set point of the monitor regulator, the interstage
pressure will drop from approximately full inlet pressure to
5-10 psi (0.34-0.68 bar) above the outlet pressure at low flow
Checking Stand-by Monitor Operation
1. With flow going through the station, slowly open the vent valve
installed in the operating regulator sense line while closing
the shut-off valve in the same line. The outlet pressure should
begin to rise as the operating regulator goes wide open. When
the pressure reaches the setpoint of the monitor regulator, the
monitor should take control and the interstage pressure should
increase to approximately full inlet pressure.
2. Return the system to normal operation by reversing the process
with the vent valve being closed while the shut-off valve is
returned to the open position. The interstage pressure should
drop to 5-10 psi (0.34-0.68 bar) above the outlet pressure as the
operating regulator regains control (at low flows).
Stand-by Monitor
(Upstream Monitor Regulator
This procedure is based on the first stage regulator being the Monitor
regulator and the second stage regulator being the Operating
1. If necessary, purge any pressure in the station.
2. Set first stage monitor regulator pilot spring at the MAXIMUM
3. Set second stage operating regulator pilot spring to the
MINIMUM (zero) setting.
4. Slowly open the inlet block valve. Full inlet pressure should be
present at the second stage operating regulator and it should be
5. Fully open any hand valve(s) in the control line(s) and the pilot
supply line.
6. Open a vent or downstream block valve.
7. Increase the set point of the second stage operating regulator to
the desired monitor over-ride set pressure.
8. Decrease the pilot spring setting of the first stage monitor
regulator until it takes control at a set point just below the final
desired monitor over-ride set pressure.
9. Increase the second stage operating regulator to the maximum
pilot setting.
10. Increase the first stage monitor regulator set pressure to the
final desired monitor over-ride set point.
11. Decrease the pilot spring setting of second stage operating
regulator until the final set point is achieved.
Note: When the set point of the operating regulator
becomes less than the set point of the monitor regulator,
the interstage pressure will rise to 5-10 psi (0.34-0.68 bar)
below the full inlet pressure (at low flows).