4. Power on Detection
Detection Item
Power on detection includes the following four items:
Ethernet port working status
CPE configuration check
CPE access test
CPE parameter record
Ethernet Port Working Status
After CPE powered on, waiting for 2 minutes, connect the Ethernet port of PC to POE
The CW0100 CPE default IP address is Set the IP address of PC is, ensure that the Ethernet indicator get light and ping CPE IP address normal.
CPE Configuration Check
Log in the WebUI of CPE, check whether the software version is correct, whether the LTE
mode is enabled, and whether WAN interface and LAN interface are consistent with plan.
CPE Access Test
Insert into USIM card, set the WAN interface to LTE mode, set LTE to auto connection,
check terminal connection status, and check whether the terminal can san LTE signal and
get IP address. After the connection is established, service testing can be made, such as
HTTP, FTP, and so on.
CPE Parameter Record
Record parameter of CPE, such as installation site, installation height, antenna direction
angle, and so on.