Program Meter: Used to program the RET for the desired meter
with specific parameters.
View Attached Meter: Allows the user to view the programmer
parameters of an existing RET™.
The Program Meter tab contains a series of tabs, check boxes,
pull-down screens, and data boxes to select the meter type,
meter model, unit of measure, and other programmed parameters.
For each meter type and model there is a series of default param-
eters for that model associated with the unit of measure. These
settings can be modified to customize the RET. The RET Program-
mer will insure that the chosen parameters are legitimate. If pa-
rameters are not valid, the RET Programmer will notify the user
via an error message.
To change the Programmer function (Program Meter / View At-
tached Meter) or model type use the mouse to move the arrow to
the desired tab and click the left mouse button.
To change a pull-down menu box use the mouse to move the
arrow to the down-arrow of the appropriate box. Left click the
mouse to activate the pull-down menu. Move the mouse to the
desired option and left click the mouse.
To activate a check-box use the mouse to move the arrow to the
desired box. Left click the mouse to select or de-select a box.
To change the non pull-down numeric boxes use the mouse to
move the pointer to the desired box. Click the left mouse button to
place the cursor in the box. Use the backspace key to erase the
existing number and use the keyboard to input a new number.
After the parameters are chosen, press the “Program Transmit-
ter” button. During programming the green light next to the “Abort
Transfer” button will turn red. If the programming is successful,
the light will return to green. If the program is not successful, the
appropriate error message will be displayed.
Note: If a warning or error message occurs after the “Program
Transmitter” button has been activated the “Program Meter”
screen will revert to the default settings.
Note: As the user changes between meter type, meter model,
unit of measure, or change unit of flow rate, the default values of
the meter will be reloaded. This means that if the scaled output
and 20 mA set point are changed by the user, a change in the
unit of measure will load the default value rather than convert the
number in the box.
The “View Attached Meter” tab allows the choices of a “Current
Settings” and “Memory” button. Using the mouse to left click the
Current Settings button to read the latest (up to date) settings of
the RET.
Using the Memory button allows the user to read the settings
saved in the non-volatile memory. The Memory button is used to
read the settings after the battery in the RET is fully consumed.
The layout of the information for the “View Attached Meter” is
similar to the “Program Meter” display.