BTU Configuration
BTU rate units = [0-5] – set the BTU rate units:
0: kBTU/hr
1: BTU/min
2: kW
3: TR
4: J/s
5: Custom
BTU rate ndigits = [2-10] – number of decimal digits to display
BTU rate custom label = [string] – BTU rate custom unit label
BTU rate custom conv = [0-100] – custom unit conversion factor
BTU total units = [0-6] – BTU totalizer units:
0: BTU
1: kBTU
3: kWh
4: MWh
5: kJ
6: Custom
BTU total ndigits = [2-10] – number of decimal digits to display
BTU total custom label = [string] – BTU totalizer custom unit
BTU total custom conv = [0-100] – custom unit conversion
BTU total mode = [0-2] – totalizer mode:
0: Heating
1: Cooling
2: Heating & Cooling
BTU sensor type = [0-4] – temperature sensor type:
0: DI Thermistor
2: Custom Thermistor
3: Custom RTD
4: No sensor
BTU sensor correct_k = [0-10] – correction factor
BTU sensor temp_unit = [0-1] – temperature units to display
0: deg F
1: deg C
BTU sensor t2adj = [-10-10] – t2a
Relay Output Configuration
relay [1-5] func = [0-9] – relay function; relay 5 is the pulse output
0: Totalizer
1: Alarm
2: Manual Control
relay [1-5] input = [0-8] – relay input; depends on source
for totalizer:
0: Flow 1 Total
for alarms:
0: Flow 1 Rate
relay [1-5] units = [0-19] – units on setpoints/rates; depends on src/
flow units: same as 'flow [1-2] rate units' above
volume units: same as 'flow [1-2] total units'
relay [1-5] manual = [on/off] – manually set relay on or off, if in
manual mode
relay [1-5] rate = [x] – totalizer rate
relay [1-5] ctime = [0-10000] – pulse width in milliseconds
relay [1-4] latch = [on/off] – turn on/off relay latching
relay [1-4] setpoint = [x]
relay [1-4] releasepoint = [x]
Analog Output Configuration
analogout [1-2] func = [0-3]
0: Flow rate
1: BTU rate
2: Temperature
3: PID control
analogout [1-2] src = [0-4]
for flow rate:
0: Flow 1 rate
1: Flow 2 rate
2: Flow sum
3: Flow 1-2
4: Flow 2-1
for BTU rate: not used
for temperature:
0: Flow rate
1: Temp 2
2: Temp Delta
for PID control:
0: Flow 1 rate
1: Flow 2 rate
analogout [1-2] range – [0-1]
0: 0-20mA
1: 4-20mA
analogout [1-2] low = [x] – value corresponding to 0 (or 4) mA
analogout [1-2] high = [x] – value corresponding to 20mA
analogout [1-2] setpoint = [x] – PID setpoint
analogout [1-2] P = [x] – PID constants
analogout [1-2] I = [x] – PID constants
analogout [1-2] D = [x] – PID constants
Command Lists
Page 28
June 2018