USB Command List
In the list below, brackets indicate an argument, specifying its type
and value range . For instance [0-18] stands for any number between
0 and 18 (inclusive) .
Example: “display line1 = 1” sets Line 1 of the display to display #1,
which happens to be the totalizer for flow channel 1 .
id – show model number & software version
echo [on/off] – turn on/off interactive command line:
with echo off, this interface is more
amenable to scripting; it still accepts the same
commands .
Any command entered without an “ = “ sign and
variable will display the current setting .
Example: Typing “display line1” returns “0” which is the vari-
able for Flow rate .
read flow [1-2] – read the current flow on channel 1 or 2 in
read flow [1-2] total – read the current total flow on channel
1 or 2 in gallons .
Display Configuration
display line1 = [0-18] – set line 1 of the display
display line2 = [0-18] – set line 2 of the display
valid options are:
0: flow 1 rate
1: flow 1 total
2: flow 2 rate
3: flow 2 total
4: flow 1+2 rate
5: flow 1+2 total
6: flow 1-2 rate
7: flow 1-2 total
8: flow 2-1 rate
9: flow 2-1 total
14: BTU rate
15: BTU total
16: temperature 1&2
17: temperature 1-2
display urate = [0 .1-10] – set the update rate of the display, in
Flow Input Channel Configuration
flow [1-2] sensor type = [0-4] – flow sensor type:
0: PulseDI,
1: PulseKFactor,
2: PullupKFactor
3: Analog
flow [1-2] sensor dical k = [x] – DI-type flow sensor k
flow [1-2] sensor dical off = [x] – DI-type flow sensor offset
flow [1-2] sensor kfact = [x] – K factor for non-DI sensors
flow [1-2] sensor analog units = [0-19] – flow units for analog input
flow [1-2] sensor analog range = [0-4] – current range for
analog input
flow [1-2] sensor analog high = [x] – flow rate @max current
flow [1-2] sensor analog low = [x] – flow rate @min current
flow [1-2] sensor avg = [0-100] – averaging "time constant," in
flow [1-2] rate units = [0-19] – flow (channel) rate units to display .
0: GPM
1: gal/s
2: gal/hr
3: Mgal/day
4: L/s
5: LPM
6: L/hr
7: ft3/s
8: ft3/min
9: ft3/hr
10: m3/s
11: m3/min
12: m3/hr
13: acreft/s
14: acreft/min
15: acreft/hr
16: bbl/s
17: bbl/min
18: bbl/hr
19: Custom
flow [1-2] rate ndigits = [2-10] – number of decimal places to show
for flow rate
flow [1-2] rate custom label = [string] – set the label for custom units
flow [1-2] rate custom conv = [0-100] – conversion factor for
custom units
flow [1-2] total units = [0-7] – set the totalizer units to display
0: gal
1: Mgal
2: L
3: ft3
4: m3
5: acreft
6: bbl
7: Custom
Command Lists
Page 27
June 2018