Or rePlaceMenT serVIce as deTerMIned BY khn
sOluTIOns In ITs sOle dIscreTIOn.
no khn solutions reseller, agent, or employee is authorized to
make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty.
If any term is held to be illegal or unenforceable, the legality
or enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be affected
or impaired.
eXcePT as PrOVIded In ThIs warranTY and TO The
MaXIMuM eXTenT PerMITTed BY law, khn sOluTIOns Is
nOT resPOnsIBle FOr dIrecT, sPecIal, IncIdenTal Or
cOnseQuenTIal daMaGes under anY leGal TheOrY,
IncludInG BuT nOT lIMITed TO lOss OF use; lOss OF
reVenue Or IncOMe; lOss OF acTual Or anTIcIPaTed
PrOFITs (IncludInG lOss OF PrOFITs FrOM a cOnTracT);
lOss OF The use OF MOneY; lOss OF anTIcIPaTed saV-
InGs; lOss OF BusIness; lOss OF OPPOrTunITY; lOss OF
GOOdwIll, Or lOss OF rePuTaTIOn.
This Breath alcohol Tester is intended to measure alcohol in
human breath. readings obtained by this device are used in the
diagnosis of alcohol intoxication. The accuracy of this device
has been established at a Blood alcohol concentration of 0.008
and 0.032. accuracy at a Blood alcohol concentration greater
than .032 has not been established.
some countries, states and provinces do not allow the exclusion
or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or allow
limitations on how long an implied warranty or condition may
last, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also
have other rights that vary by country, state or province. This
limited warranty is governed by and construed under the laws
of the country in which the product purchase took place.
Obtaining Warranty Service
Please be sure to read this instruction manual carefully if you
believe your product is not operating properly. If you still feel
that your product requires warranty service, please follow
these instructions:
Obtain a return authorization (ra) number by calling toll-free
877-334-6876 or by emailing [email protected].
when shipping the product back to khn solutions, please pack-
age the product carefully and ship using a major carrier (uPs,
Fedex, usPs, etc). To ensure proper credit for a returned item,
be sure to obtain a delivery confirmation on the return shipment.
The customer is responsible for all return shipping charges.
Include the following information with your returned product:
Your return authorization number
name, address, and phone number as stated
at the time of order
a copy of your original sales receipt