The Informant Refrigerant Leak Detector
which, if the probe is moved away from the leak source, the detector will
respond with a lower refrigerant level indication.
Exposing the sensor to a steady stream of highly
concentrated refrigerant will severely reduce sensor life or
damage the sensor. Sensor life is directly proportional to the
amount of refrigerant that passes through the sensor.
Use the following general procedure to pinpoint the source of a leak:
1. Move the probe tip along the refrigerant lines and around the
until the detector responds in a positive manner.
2. Continue moving in the same direction as long as the instrument re-
mains at full scale. This indicates that the refrigerant concentration is
3. Once the source of the leak has been passed, the detector’s refrigerant
level indicators will all begin to decrease. At this point, reverse the
direction of probing. As the probe tip is moved back and forth across
the leak, the detector will automatically adjust its sensitivity to allow
the user to pinpoint its source.
Sensor Failure Indication
A sensor failure is indicated by the middle refrigerant-level LED on both
displays glowing steady.
Refer to the
Troubleshooting Guide
Section of this manual for information
on how to clear this condition.
False Refrigerant Indication
False refrigerant indications are usually caused by abnormal changes in
sensor temperature. These temperature changes are typically due to a
sudden change in air
ow past the sensor, or the sensor being heated by
an outside source. To avoid false refrigerant indications, DO NOT . . .
• allow the probe tip to become clogged with dirt,
• allow the probe-tip
lter to become covered with water,
• rapidly wave the probe tip back-and-forth,
• use the detector in windy areas,
• allow the probe tip to contact a hot surface.