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Power Cord
To install the power cord
Insert the plug into the power connector on the rear of the machine. Plug the three-prong plug end
into your power source.
Do not turn on the machine until the handlebars are installed.
To disconnect the power cord
First pull out on the red buttons on the sides of the plug
and then pull the plug out of the machine.
: Make sure that the machine is off before
plugging into a power source. The main power
switch should be in the O (off) position.
Front Handlebars
The Gallant XL comes with handlebars for the front of the machine. Optional rear handlebars are available
for quilting with pantographs or pattern boards. The front handlebars are used for most other quilting
: To prevent any electrical damage to the handlebars, always turn off all power to the
machine when connecting or disconnecting the handlebars.
To install the front handlebars
1. Remove the two screws in the front top cover
with a 3mm hex tool. Remove cover by
pulling up on the rear portion then sliding
tabs out in the front.
Place four M4x10mm screws with washers
down through the handlebar into the top of
the machine and tighten them firmly with a
3mm hex tool.
3. Plug the two handlebar cable plugs into the
two jacks in the back top (left plug to left jack
and right to right). The right handlebar cable
is labeled.
4. Push ferrites down into the space so that the
cover will fit back into place.
5. Replace the front top cover by sliding tabs
at the front into machine and angling the
back of the cover down into place. Tighten
the screws with a 3mm hex tool.
Do not over
Refer to Step 4