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6.4.8 Fan
The fan information field shows whether the fan is in oper-
Symbol grey =
fan out of operation
Symbol green =
fan in operation
The fan cannot be switched off separately. The speed is
automatically set via the air output control.
6.4.9 Filter
The filter cell symbol shows the current status of the filter
The current operating hours status is shown with traffic
light colours in the start menu. The change in filter level
symbol colour ensures that you are promptly informed of
any impending cleaning. Through the use of digitally con-
trolled high-voltage technology, the filter cell is always
maintained at the ideal operating point.
The air purifier cannot be switched
on without a filter cell! The filter cell
symbol is crossed out in red.
The current filter cell operating hours are shown graphical-
ly. Depending on the operating hours and configured
group, the filter cell will be shown in green, orange or red.
Symbol grey =
filter cell out of operation.
Symbol green = filter cell in operation. The clocked oper-
ating hours are within 0-72% of the max-
imum operating hours.
Symbol orange = filter cell in operation. The clocked oper-
ating hours are within 73-92% of the
maximum operating hours. The filter cell
must be cleaned soon!
Symbol red =
filter cell in operation. The clocked oper-
ating hours are within 93-100% of the
maximum operating hours. Clean the fil-
ter cell! Once the maximum operating
hours have been reached, the air purifier
will go out of operation and can no long-
er be switched on.
Symbol with red
strikethrough = filter cell out of operation or not inserted.
WARNING: Air purifier cannot be switched on.
The maximum operating hours depend on the cleaning
interval group set, see Point 6.1.
Once the maximum operating hours have
been reached, the air purifier will switch off!
Filter cell cleaning and operating hours reset: see filter
cell cleaning Point 7.3.
By tapping the filter cell symbol, the filter cell operating
hours status menu opens.
The home symbol leads back to the start menu.
6.4.10 UV-C
The UV-C lamps shows the status of the UV-C lamps.
The current operating hours status is shown with traffic
light colours in the start menu. The change in filter level
symbol colour ensures that you are promptly informed of
any impending replacement.
In order to achieve the optimal sterilisation of
the filter cell, the UV-C lamps remain in op-
eration for 60 seconds after the air purifier has
been switched off.
The current UV-C bulb operating hours are shown graph-
ically. Depending on the operating hours, the UV-C sym-
bol will change from green to orange to red.
Symbol grey =
UV-C lamps disabled in settings.
Symbol green = UV-C lamps in operation. The clocked
operating hours are within 0-72% of the
maximum operating hours.
Symbol orange = UV-C lamps in operation. The clocked
operating hours are within 73-92% of the
maximum operating hours. Please order
replacements in good time!
Symbol red =
UV-C lamps in operation. The clocked
operating hours are within 93-100% of
the maximum operating hours. Replace
the UV-C bulb. You should have a re-
placement ready!
The maximum UV-C lamp operating hours are 8000
Replace the UV-C bulb and reset the operating hours. See
UV-C bulb replacement, Point 7.5.
By tapping the UV-C lamp symbol, the UV-C lamp operat-
ing hours status menu opens.
Tap the home symbol to return to the start screen.
6.4.11 Activated harcoal filter
The activated charcoal symbol shows the current status of
the activated charcoal filter level.
The current operating hours status is shown with traffic
light colours in the start menu. The change in the charcoal
filter level symbol colour ensures that you are promptly
informed of any impending replacement.