Compass Calibration Procedure
(1) At a speed of about three knots, and away from any large steel structures, slowly motor the boat
through a full circle (360°) taking 6-10 minutes to complete circle. The calibration takes place during
this time. Continue to turn to complete a further half circle (180°).
It is helpful to have a watch with seconds running and a compass or repeater in front of the helmsman.
To achieve a six-minute turn the ship's head should be passing through 10° every ten seconds. The
turn should be at a constant rate. The compass will accept the calibration if there are small deviations
from a constant turn, but sudden sharp turns will mean the calibration is discarded.
(2) When the compass has completed the calibration, the displayed heading will rotate in the opposite
direction for 360° and settle on the correct bearing to indicate that the calibration is complete. Keep
the boat slowly turning until this happens. If the repeater does not reverse, the compass has discarded
the calibration because the turn has not been carried out in the correct manner. The calibration should
be started up again.
(3) The compass is now adjusted for deviation. If during subsequent use it is found that the Super
Halcyon 3 is showing a small constant error on all bearings relative to the ship's calibrated magnetic
compass, the compass sensor requires fine adjustment. After deducing the error. Slacken the sensor
clamp and rotate the sensor in its bracket in the opposite direction to the error (1° = 1mm rotation).
Tighten the clamp after adjustment