Appendix A Frequently Asked Questions
This chapter is divided into two sections: Technical Terms and Common Problems.
Technical Terms will explain some of the technical terms used in this manual.
Common Problems will discuss on the possible solutions to some of the commonly
asked questions by users. Reviewing this chapter can help you solve many problems
and often eliminate the need for telephone assistance.
A.1 Technical Terms
What is TAD ?
TAD stands for Telephone Answering Device. Most modem and sound cards
nowadays come with a built-in TAD connector. Reasons are as folllows:
1. It establishes a link between the modem card and sound card internally.
2. It allows user to leave the microphone connection on the sound card, while
the same microphone can be used during speakerphone conversion.
3. It allows user to leave the speakers connection on the sound card, while the
same speakers can be used for any modem audio output. (see ReadMe.txt
file for the Pin configurations)
What is V.90 ?
V.90 is a new standard approved by the International Telecommunication Union
for 56K analog modems. It is a compromise officially reached between the
two competing standards - X2 (from 3COM/USR) and K56Flex (from
Frequently Asked Questions
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