Connect any signal "common" to any "Rtn" terminal.
Note that
resistors are not required
because resistors are built in to the TS5 circuit board. But --
If your signals are pre-assembled with resistors, first connect the signals
their resistors. If the signal LEDs are too dim,
remove the resistors and re-connect the signals.
If an individual color is too bright, a resistor may be wired in series with that LED's wire. Use up to a 1000 ohm resistor.
Increasing the resistance value decreases the brightness.
To link the TS5 to another Azatrax TSx signal controller,
connect a 'Link' terminal of one TSx to a 'Link' terminal of the
TSx at the opposite end of the block. Connect 'C' of one TSx to 'C' on the other TSx.
Use twisted pair wire such as
found in telephone or ethernet
(LAN) cable, AWG #26 or #24.
To avoid interference from high
power or high frequency
currents, do not bundle link
wires with track power wires.
When power is turned on,
the TS5 does not know if a block is occupied or not, because a train may have been added or
removed from the track while power was off. The signals will show 'approach' (yellow) (or red for 2-aspect signals).
Visually check the track and proceed with caution! Normal indications begin once the first train passes the IR sensors.
The TS5
remember if a train was between the sensors at the crossing. If a train was removed from the crossing while
power was off, the signals will still show red (stop) when power is restored. To clear this indication, momentarily change a
turnout position then back again. Or run a train through the red signal (with clearance from the dispatcher). This restores
normal operation.
At a diamond crossing on a prototype railroad, the four signals normally are all red (stop). A dispatcher will clear the signal
for one train to pass, and trains on any other tracks must wait.
The TS5 acts as an automatic dispatcher, giving only one train a clear signal. There are two different modes of operation for
each track. A compromise mode is used if there is no other train detector in advance ("upstream") of this TS5. More
prototypical operation is possible if there is another train detector that gives the TS5 notice of an approaching train.
Without an advance train detector --
If a track does not have a detector to notify the TS5 of an approaching train, the
signal for this track at the diamond will show yellow when the diamond is clear. As noted above, the signal really should be
red (stop). But an approaching train would have to stop before passing the signal and before tripping the TS5's detector. The
TS5 is not aware the train has arrived, so the signal cannot change to clear. The TS5 compromises by showing a yellow
signal. Once the train passes the signal and trips the detector all signals change to red.
Do not be tempted to locate the sensor ahead of the signal. When the train trips the sensor the signal changes to red because
the crossing is now occupied. Place each sensor between its signal and the crossing, as shown in the diagrams.
When the TS5 is linked to other Azatrax TSx circuits,
the TSx circuits tell each other when a train enters or leaves the
block between them. When a train enters a block, the block is 'occupied' until a train exits the block. The block is then
considered to be 'clear.'
When linked to an Azatrax TS2, TS3 or another TS5 signal controller, the diamond crossing TS5 will be notified when a
train enters the block leading up to the diamond. The TS5 will set all signals at the diamond to red when no trains are
present. Signals in advance of the diamond will therefor show yellow (approach).
© 2022
TS5 installation guide - diamond crossing
pg. 7 of 10
Communication links to adjoining signal circuits.
Link to the next signal
circuit on track 4
Link to the next signal
circuit on track 3
Link to the next signal
circuit on track 1
Link to the next signal
circuit on track 2
Link to the next signal
circuit on track 5