4. The led will light up solid red. Release Volume Up and the led will go out. Volume
Up has now been programmed.
5. Follow the list below in order however pushing the steering wheel control button
you want for the function below. If you want to skip a command press the
Volume Up on the steering wheel, this will tell the FRST to skip the command
and go to the next one.
1. Volume Up
2. Volume Down
3. Seek Up/Next
4. Seek Down/Prev
5. Source/Mode
6. Mute
7. Preset Up
8. Preset Down
9. Power
10. Band
11. Play/Enter
12. PTT (Push To Talk)
13. On Hook
14. Off Hook
15. Fan Up
16. Fan Down
17. Temp Up
18. Temp Down
* Note: Remember not all radios will have all these commands. Please refer to the
radios’ owners manual for specific commands recognized by the radio.
For instance the next command to be mapped is the Volume Down command.
Let’s say you want the Mode button on your steering wheel to be the Volume Down