Safety measures
The instrument has left our factory in a safe and perfect condition. To maintain this condition,
the user must pay attention to the safety references contained in this instruction manual.
His instruction manual contains both information and warnings that are necessary
for the safe operation and maintenance of the instrument. It is recommended that you read the
manual carefully and ensure that its contents are fully understood. Failure to understand these
instruction and to comply with the warnings and instructions contained herein can result in serious
injury or damage.
In order to avoid the danger of electrical Shock, it is important that proper safety
measures are respected when working with voltages exceeding 120V (60V) DC or 50V (25V) r.m.s.
AC. These voltages represent internationally the limits of max. contact voltage.
When testing any current or voltage only the hand-hold area (11) of the instrument
May be touched.
The instrument operates correctly only In a temperature range specified In the
technical specification section
Priori to usage that the instrument is in perfect working order, for example at
a known current source.
Before opening the instrument (for example to replace the battery), it must be
disconnected from all circuits.
Do not apply around or remove from HAZARDOUS LIVE conductors.
Measurements In dangerous proximity of electrical installations are only to be executed when
instructed by a responsible electrical specialist, and never alone.
The respective accident prevention regulations established by the professional associations
for electrical system and equipment must be strictly met at all times.