L. Level vials
M. M: Memory input key: Input the length, area or volume into memory
N. Pin button: Can fix the tool while laser marking.
O. MODE: Clear/Mode select: Press this key to clear or return back to the menu to select length, area or
volume mode.
3. Illustration of display screen
A. Plus
B. Length/Area/volume (L=length;W=width;H=height)
C. Display when lack of electric quantity
D. Memory
E. Memory, computing result
F. Indication symbol for approaching the target object: the two symbols will light in turn towards the
center symbol when approaching the edge of the detected object.
G. Symbol for central arrow: the light is on when detecting the edge of the detected object.
H. Measurement units
I. Caution symbol for AC live wires: the symbol is light when AC live wire is detected.
J. Current measuring result
K. Joist detecting indication: the light is on when the current detecting mode is on joist.
L. AC detecting indication: the light is on when the current detecting mode is on AC live wire.
M. Metal detecting indication: the light is on when the current detecting mode is on metal object.