PhOnE 10
10.1 Make a phone call
1. insert the dialing code and the phone number.
2. touch the handset’s icon , if you want to make a phone call (SiM1 or SiM2).
3. if the inserted number is not right, you can remove some digits by pressing the
remove icon. if you press this symbol longer, you can delete all digits.
4. touch the handset’s icon in the red line, if you want to abort a phone call.
Emergency call
if you want to make an emergency call, please ensure that the mobile phone is turned
on and the connection to the cellular network is active. then insert a SOS number (for
example “112”) and press the handset‘s icon to make the emergency call.
Please note:
you have inserted a valid SiM card. Even if you have inserted a valid SiM
card, it could happen that your mobile phone is not connected to the cellular network.
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