TLE Tracking Module Operations
AvL Technologies
| Proprietary – Content is Subject to Change without Notice
Functional Overview
The TLE Module has two operational modes. When switching between modes, the user should initiate tracking
through the Acquire command rather than the Track command. This ensures that all tracking data is reset.
TLE Scan Step Enable = No
If Acquire is commanded, the controller will perform a Home routine to initialize its sensors if needed, read the
compass if configured to do so, update the heading with Ref Sat if configured to do so, and then switch to track
mode. Once Track mode becomes enabled, the antenna will move to the target (TLE) coordinates. The antenna will
continue to follow the path described by the TLE data and can be manually peaked using the TLE Target Az Offset, TLE
Target El Offset, and TLE Target Pol Offset configuration items or the TLE Offset Control window. These offsets get
saved and will be used whenever that Target Profile is selected.
If Track is commanded, the antenna will use the current heading (whether or not it is valid) and switch directly into
track mode. Once Track mode becomes enabled, the antenna will move to the target (TLE) coordinates. The antenna
will continue to follow the path described by the TLE data and can be manually peaked using the TLE Target Az
Offset, TLE Target El Offset, and TLE Target Pol Offset configuration items or the TLE Offset Control window. These
offsets get saved and will be used whenever that Target Profile is selected.
TLE Scan Step Enable = Yes
If Acquire is commanded, the controller will perform a Home routine to initialize its sensors if needed, read the
compass if configured to do so, update the heading with Ref Sat if configured to do so, and then switch to track
mode. Once Track mode becomes enabled, the antenna will perform a Raster scan across the TLE coordinates if it is
still operating with a compass heading source, perform a Spiral scan around the TLE coordinates or around the peak
signal found during the Raster scan, and enter Step Track. The antenna will continue to follow the path described by
the TLE data augmented by any offsets automatically calculated from the scans and the periodic step tracks. The
controller will reset the automatically generated offsets anytime an Acquire is commanded, the Heading Source is
changed, or controller is turned off.
If Track is commanded, the antenna will use the current heading (whether or not it is valid) and will perform scans
only if they have not been performed since the antenna was turned on or since the last time the heading was
changed . The antenna will continue to follow the path described by the TLE data augmented by any offsets
automatically calculated from the scans and the periodic step tracks. The controller will reset the automatically
generated offsets anytime an Acquire is commanded, the Heading Source is changed, or controller is turned off.
When in this mode the TLE module will ignore the TLE Az Offset and TLE El Offset target configuration items. The TLE
Pol Offset will still be used.