TLE Tracking Module Operations
AvL Technologies
| Proprietary – Content is Subject to Change without Notice
Run Track After Peak
Yes, No
Flag indicating that the Track Command should run
after a successful peak command. Set to No
Run Track on Startup
Yes, No
Flag indicating whether the track command should
be run on startup. Set to No
Tracking Method
Tracking Method to use after an Acquisition has
been completed. Select TLE_Module.
Skip Acquire Sat State
– This flag indicates whether the acquire state should be set and performed before entering the
TLE track mode. Must be set to “Yes” for TLE acquire to be successful and must be set to “No” for a standard
Run Repeak on Startup
– Flag indicating whether the repeak command should be run on startup if Rx is locked.
Run Track After Acquire
– This flag indicates that the Tracking Module should be run as part of an Acquire command.
This should be set to yes for TLE acquisitions.
Run Track After Peak
– Flag indicating that the Track command should be run after a successful peak command. This
should be set to “No” for TLE Tracking use.
Run Track on Startup
–Automatically starts any configured tracking module when the controller is powered on. This
should be set to “No” when using the TLE Tracking Module
Tracking Method
–Choose the desired tracking method to use after Rx signal returns a locked status. For TLE Tracking,
set to “TLE_Module”.
Note: If the TLE Module will be used with Scans Enabled, the Target Profile must also be configured properly for the
signal source device used for tracking the Target Satellite (Beacon Receiver, DVB Receiver, etc.). Scans and Step Tracks
will not be successful without a properly configured signal source