The AMX240 is plug & play compatible with:
Garmin GMA 340;
PS Engineering PMA8000;
PS Engineering PMA8000B;
PS Engineering PMA8000BT;
PS Engineering PMA8000B/BT/MP3 for Avidyne R9;
PS Engineering PMA8000C;
PS Engineering PMA5000EX.
This means it can literally be installed in one of those trays and
no further action or wiring is required but some functions may be
missing without adding wiring or are not supported. The following
tables identify the functions that either don’t exist in the AMX240
or will need extra wiring if they are to be available when replacing
one of the legacy audio panels that are tray compatible.
An “X” in the block below indicates the function that may exist in
the legacy audio panel but is not available in the AMX240.
Legacy Audio Panel Features Not Supported by AMX240
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