A V G 9 A nti V irus plus Firewall © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
9 3
Scan settings
section offers a list of scanning parameters that can be optionally
switched on/off:
Automatically heal/remove infection
- (
on by default
): if a virus is identified
during scanning it can be healed automatically if a cure is available. If the
infected file cannot be healed automatically, the infected object will be moved
to the
Virus Vault
Report Potentially Unwanted Programs and Spyware threats
- (
on by
): check to activate the
engine, and scan for spyware
as well as for viruses.
represents a questionable malware category:
even though it usually represents a security risk, some of these programs can
be installed intentionally. We recommend to keep this feature activated as it
increases your computer security.
Report enhanced set of Potentially Unwanted Programs
- (
off by default
mark to detect extended package of
: programs that are perfectly ok
and harmless when acquired from the manufacturer directly, but can be
misused for malicious purposes later. This is an additional measure that
increases your computer security even more, however it can possibly block
legal programs, and is therefore switched off by default.
Scan for Tracking Cookies
- (
off by default
): this parameter of the
component defines that cookies should be detected; (
HTTP cookies
are used for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific information
about users, such as site preferences or the contents of their electronic
shopping carts
Scan inside archives
- (
off by default
): this parameters defines that scanning
should check all files stored inside archives, e.g. ZIP, RAR, ...
Use Heuristics
- (
on by default
): heuristic analysis (
dynamic emulation of the
scanned object’s instructions in a virtual computer environment
) will be one of
the methods used for virus detection during scanning;
Scan system environment
- (
on by default
): scanning will also check the
system areas of your computer.
Further you should decide whether you want to have scanned
All file types
with the possibility of defining exceptions from scanning by
providing a list of comma separated (
having been saved, the commas change
into semicolons
) file extensions that should not be scanned;
Selected file types
- you can specify that you want to scan only files that
are possibly infectable (
files that cannot get infected will not be scanned, for
instance some plain text files, or some other non-executable files
), including
media files (
video, audio files - if you leave this box unchecked, it will reduce
the scanning time even more, because these files are often quite large and
are not too likely to be infected by a virus
). Again, you can specify by
extensions which files are those that should always be scanned.