A V G 9 A nti V irus plus Firewall © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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On the
How to scan
tab you will find a list of scanning parameters that can be
optionally switched on/off. By default, most parameters are switched on and the
functionality will be applied during scanning. Unless you have a valid reason to change
these settings we recommend to keep the predefined configuration:
Automatically heal/remove infection
- (on by default):
if a virus is identified
during scanning it can be healed automatically if a cure is available. If the
infected file cannot be healed automatically, the infected object will be moved
to the
Virus Vault
Report Potentially Unwanted Programs and Spyware threats
- (on by
check to activate the
engine, and scan for spyware
as well as for viruses.
represents a questionable malware category:
even though it usually represents a security risk, some of these programs can
be installed intentionally. We recommend to keep this feature activated as it
increases your computer security.
Report enhanced set of Potentially Unwanted Programs
- (
off by default
mark to detect extended package of
: programs that are perfectly ok
and harmless when acquired from the manufacturer directly, but can be