A V G 9 A nti V irus plus Firewall © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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13. AVG Updates
Keeping your AVG up-to-date is crucial to ensure that all newly discovered
viruses will be detected as soon as possible.
During the
AVG Installation process
you were invited to specify how often you wish to
update your AVG. The available options are
Every 4 hours
, or
Every day
(see dialog
Schedule regular scans and updates
). Since AVG updates are not released
according to any fixed schedule but rather in reaction to amount and severity of new
threats, it is recommended to check for new updates at least once a day. Checking
every 4 hours will guarantee that your
AVG 9 Anti Virus plus Firewall
is kept up-to-
date also during the day.
13.1. Update Levels
AVG offers two update levels to select from:
Definitions update
contains changes necessary for reliable anti-virus
protection. Typically, it does not include any changes to the code and updates
only the definition database. This update should be applied as soon as it is
Program update
contains various program changes, fixes and improvements.
scheduling an update
, it is possible to select which priority level should be
downloaded and applied.
If a time coincidence of a scheduled program update and scheduled scan
occurs, the update process is of higher priority and the scan will get interrupted.
13.2. Update Types
You can distinguish between two types of update:
On demand update
is an immediate AVG update that can be performed any
time the need arises.
Scheduled update
- within AVG it is also possible to
pre-set an update plan
The planned update is then performed periodically according to the setup
configuration. Whenever new update files are present on the specified
location, they are downloaded either directly from the Internet, or from the
network directory. When no newer updates are available, nothing happens.
13.3. Update Process
The update process can be launched immediately as the need arises by the
quick link
. This link is available at all times from any
AVG user interface
However, it is still highly recommended to perform updates regularly as stated in the
update schedule editable within the
Update manager
Once you start the update, AVG will first verify whether there are new update files