Instant Messaging protection - check this item if you wish that the Web
Shield verifies the on-line communication is virus free. Provided this
option is on, you can further specify which instant messaging application
you want to control - currently AVG 8.5 Anti-Virus supports the ICQ,
MSN, and Yahoo applications.
Please note: The software vendor has set up all AVG components to give optimum
performance. Unless you have a real reason to do so, do not change the AVG
configuration. Any changes to settings should only be performed by an experienced
user. If you need to change AVG configuration, select the system menu item Tools /
Advanced settings and edit the AVG configuration in the newly opened
Advanced Settings
Control buttons
The control buttons available within the Web Shield interface are as follows:
Save changes - press this button to save and apply any changes made in
this dialog
Cancel - press this button to return to the default
AVG user interface
components overview)
9.6.3. Web Shield Detection
Web Shield scans the content of visited web pages and possible files included in
them even before these are displayed in your web browser or downloaded to your
computer. If a threat is detected, you will be warned immediately with the following