Mobile DVR DMB-X Installation and Setup Manual v2.5 © Aventura Technologies 2009 Page
If you have a touch screen monitor or a mouse and no keyboard, then you will need to
press the “
” button to bring up the built in On Screen Keyboard shown below.
4.2 Camera Set up
Once you have logged on you will be presented with the “
Camera#1 Setup”
menu. This
menu has a variety of sub menus as shown.
4.2.1 Display Menu
The “
” menu allows you to change the camera text along with options to change the
time and date format.
In this menu is also the “
Mirror Preview Image
” option. This option allows any camera to
show a reverse image (as viewed through a mirror) live on the in-vehicle display monitor
whilst keeping the recorded video images the correct way. This avoids the need for
specialist reverse image cameras.