Mobile DVR DMB-X Installation and Setup Manual v2.5 © Aventura Technologies 2009 Page
4.7.1 Switch to preview camera
This menu allows you to switch the main display to a different camera on an alarm event
(e.g. switch to the reverse camera when reverse gear is engaged). You can add a schedule
and then choose which camera to switch to. Also you can select a delay to display the
camera for a pre=determined length of time after the alarm has disappeared. On the alarm
cleared screen you would have this set to the original display camera.
4.7.2 Stop/Start alarm recording
This screen allows you to set a non recording camera to record/stop recording on an alarm
raised/cleared. This also allows you to set up a schedule and which camera/s to record. For
multiple cameras to record on the same alarm just add a new action/cleared event.