Avaya Inc.
– Proprietary.
Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy.
Power Cords & Power Cord Ordering
Most products utilize the standard ‘C13’ type cords, which are ordered as per the standard
procedure of replacing the seventh character of the Order Code to indicate the appropriate
Country; please refer to the table at the end of this section.
The ERS 5600 field-replaceable AC Power Supplies use ‘C15’ type cords. This applies both to
complete Switches and any additional AC Power Supplies. This is also the case for the new ERS
4500-PWR+, ERS 4800, VSP 4000, and 8000 models.
Separate Power Cords, the ‘C19’ type, are orderable for the 8005AC Power Supplies, and the
8004AC (which utilize the standard ‘C13’ type).
A different type of ‘C19’ cord is used with the VSP 9000, and these have a straight orientation.
IEC-60320-C13 Plug Type Standard Country-specific Power Cords for use with
most ERS Stackable Chassis Switches, VSP 7000, and the 8004AC PSU C14
‘A’ option – No Power Cord
The seventh character (*) of the Order Code is replaced with ‘A’ to
indicate the No Power Cord option.
‘B’ option – European ‘Schuko’
The seventh character (*) of the Order Code is replaced with ‘B’ to
indicate the European ‘Schuko’ Power Cord option; common in Austria,
Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
‘C’ option – UK & Ireland
The seventh character (*) of the Order Code is replaced with ‘C’ to
indicate the UK & Ireland Power Cord option
‘D’ option – Japan
The seventh character (*) of the Order Code is replaced with ‘D’ to
indicate the Japan Power Cord option
‘E’ option – North America
The seventh character (*) of the Order Code is replaced with ‘E’ to
indicate the North America Power Cord option
‘F’ option – Australia, NZ, & PRC
The seventh character (*) of the Order Code is replaced with ‘F’ to
indicate the Australia, NZ, & People’s Republic of China Power Cord
IEC-60320-C15 Plug Type Power Cords for use with the field-replaceable AC
PSU (C16 Socket) leveraged by ERS 4500-PWR+/4800/5600 and VSP 4000/8000
IEC C15 UK Power Cord.