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1.3 Configuration Examples
Although any Avaya switch as shown in Section 1.1 could be used, for this example, we will use
an ERS5520 for allow for both device authentication with or without policy.
1.4 Biomedical Device Authentication using Identify
Engines Ignition Server and ERS5500
For this example, we will demonstrate how to configure the Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 and
Ignition Server to allow for device authentication based on the biomedical manufacturer vendor
MAC address. This will allow authentication and VLAN separation of manufacturer traffic. All that
is required is the first three digits of the vendor MAC address for the Ignition Server to
authenticate the device and then tell the EAP authenticator (ERS 5520 in this example) what
VLAN to place the biomedical device in (we will use Philips and Siemens for this example).
The Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 can be configured to accept both EAP and non-EAP (NEAP)
on the same port. In regards to non-EAP, the switch can be configured to accept a password
format using any combination of IP address and MAC address with or without port number. By
default, the password format is set for IP address, MAC address, and port number. For this
example, Ignition Server will be configured for device authentication so it is not important how the
password format is configured on the ERS 5520. However, it is suggested to use a password
format of MAC address so that if the complete MAC address is known, we can use user
authentication versus device authentication on Ignition server.
Overall, we will configured the following
Enable NEAP on ports 14 to 20 of ERS5520 using the non-EAP password format of MAC
address only
Add VLAN 1500 for the Philips devices
Add VLAN 1600 for the Siemens devices
Add VLAN 3000 as the default VLAN everyone connects to until authenticated by Ignition
Configure the Ethernet Routing Switch 5520 and Ignition server with shared key set to