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1.4.5 Verify device authentication from ERS switch
You can view the authentication details for each device and user via Ignition Dashboard which
provides extensive details about the device or user. From here you can get the full MAC address
for the device, what port was used on the authenticator switch, and various details pertaining to
the device such as RADIUS attributes and device details. Knowing this information, you could
keep a database of all medical device identifiers and the switch and port number this device is
attached to. If you like, you could then setup RADIUS user authentication for an individual MAC
address instead of device authentication using a MAC wildcard.
Step 1
In Dashboard, select the IP address of the Ignition Server and click on the
tab, go
Log Viewer,
and select the
tab. Via the message of a valid device, right-click the
message and select
Access Record Details