Show Graphs
To monitor the traffic history, memory and CPU usage, the WebMux maintains some of its statistics
information in the memory during running. The WebMux is able to keep a maximum of 2 weeks
worth of activity history. This history of information is able to persist past reboots.
Time Period to Display
Adjust the the time span of the history you would like to view by selecting from the drop down
2 weeks
1 week
1 day
12 hr
8 hr
4 hr
2 hr
Rate to Display
Select the information you would like to display on the graph. These are the global metrics for
the WebMux unit. The choices are:
conn/s (connections per second)
inbound pkt/s (packets per second)
outbound pkt/s (packets per second)
inbound bytes/s
outbound bytes/s
percent CPU usage
percent memory usage