Command Line Interface (CLI)
Accessing the CLI
The CLI commands are intended for main initialization and simple diagnostics. You can use
ssh or telnet to access the CLI commands to help troubleshoot network problems or server
problems. There are maximum two diagnostic ports. By default they are 77:87. The first
one will be SSH and second one will be Telnet. If there is only one port specified, only SSH
access is allowed.
For example, to SSH into the WebMux, the following command can be issued from any
Linux®/UNIX® computer. For Windows® computers, PuTTY can be used and can be freely
downloaded over the Internet.
ssh –l superuser –p port_number WebMux_ip_address
Once logged into the CLI, the following screen will be shown:
Last login: Thu Jun 9 11:49:42 on tty1
WebMux version: 12.0.00 built Jun 8 2016 12:20:29
patch level: none
model: WebMux (part number AVE)
serial number: VX-000XAA0A0 manufactured May 09 2016
CPU speed: 2332.880 MHz
CPUs: 1
total memory: 2052176 k
configured as: two-armed server LAN NAT
management interface IP address:
Enter "help" for list of commands.
Enter "cmd --help" give help for the command "cmd".
Enter "exit" or "logout" to end this session.
Enter “cmd —help” give help for the command “cmd”.
Enter “exit” or “logout” to end this session.
Initialization via CLI
You can use the “rec” command in the CLI to do the same initialization steps that you would
see on the LCD on or the web initialization screen.
When you run the “rec” command, you will see:
$ rec
(re)configuration utility for WebMux version 12.0.00 ...
Please answer yes/no questions with y or n. Please supply IP
addresses as dotted quads. This program runs in a loop until you
agree to reboot with your entered settings or decide to quit.
After the first iteration through the questions, your earlier
answers will be used as the defaults. Any default value will
appear in brackets in a prompt. Simply entering a return will
accept the default.