If you do not want to allow non-encrypted traffic connecting to the farm, select “Yes.”
Tag SSL-terminated HTTP requests:
If SSL termination is active for this farm, choosing “Yes” for this option will add an “X-WebMux-
SSL-termination: true” MIME header in the decrypted HTTP request going to the real server.
Compress HTTP traffic:
Enable or disable HTTP compression. When enabled the MIME header “X-WebMux-
Compression: true” will be appended to the server response MIME header. (NOT supported in
Out-of-Path Mode, except when used in a Layer 7 Farm).
HTTP Server Response Comparison String:
When a string is entered in this field, WebMux HTTP Health Check will search the first 1024
bytes in the HTTP content. String is a case sensitive match.
HTTP Server URI:
By default, the WebMux health check checks default page of the server. If specifying a URI
here, the WebMux will use this URI instead of the default page do health check.
Click this button to delete the entire farm.
This function also deletes
the servers under this farm
Add Server
In the Modify Farm screen click on the “Add Server” button to add a new server to this farm. Or you
can select the radio button of the farm from the main screen and click on the “Add Server” button on
the left.
Server IP Address: