Your servers are trying to resolve the WebMux unit’s IP address to name so it could log them into
log file. To avoid this problem, set the servers not resolve the IP addresses. You can also try
adding all the IP address to the /etc/hosts file on your servers. For example,
// use your real IP address
// server lan gateway
How many browsers can simultaneously access the WebMux management console?
The limit is 4.
I have added a new farm/server, but the changes are not showing up on the STATUS screen.
The web browser cache may be the cause of this. If the new configuration does not appear after
clicking on Reload or Refresh, then clear the cache or temporary files on the browser.
Will my web server be able to communicate to a credit card validation service, like
Yes. For any communication initiated from the internal or private network, the WebMux will
substitute the IP address of its router LAN interface for the IP address of the host initiating the
conversation. For any service that requires a specific IP address to allow communication into their
network, the IP address of the router LAN interface must be the one provided. We have had
CyberCash engineers work with us to test this.
Can I use the WebMux as a proxy server for other hosts in my internal network?
Yes. The function that allows the web servers to talk to services such as the credit card validation
allows the WebMux to function as a proxy server for any host in the internal network. The
WebMux will translate all internal addresses to the IP address of the “first farm” defined. This is
the farm that is created when answering the question: WebMux Router LAN IP address:.
Configuring other computers using the WebMux unit’s proxy function is easy—just point the
IP address to the WebMux backend IP address.
Do I need to have a firewall in front of the WebMux?
In most cases, no. In NAT mode, the WebMux blocks all the incoming traffic from router LAN to
your internal network. Unless there is a farm defined for a port number, the outside traffic will not
be able to reach to any server or computers behind the WebMux. The WebMux does not have the
management functionality for restricting which IP address or services an internal host can reach to
the outside. If such restriction is desirable, then additional firewall is needed. A firewall is
recommended if running the
WebMux in Transparent Mode or Out-of-Path.
What can I do if the service that I want to load balance is not in the list?
The WebMux already supports many different services. If your service is not in the list, you could
use generic TCP and/or UDP to set your farm. If this is not ideal, you may contact us for
developing a special service aware module for you for a modest fee in most cases.