Hover the mouse pointer over the four main menus on the top (main, network, security, and
miscellaneous) to navigate the different setup screens.
Hover the mouse pointer over the “main” menu and click on “SSL keys” link to manage SSL
keys, if SSL termination is desired;
Click on “Add Farm” button on the left to create a new server farm;
Click on the “IP address” portion of the farm display to add servers, or select a radio button of a
farm and click the “add server” button on the left;
Click on “Save” button to save the farm/server configuration.
Click on “modify health check” button on the left to adjust the timeout for each kind of services.
Note that same protocol services between farms will share the same timeout value.
We will discuss those buttons and related features in greater detail in later sections. Other buttons
on the main management console screen are:
On the main management console, clicking on the Save button will cause the WebMux to save
its configuration. Changes made to the “Farm” and “Server” will take effect immediately without
saving. However, changes are not saved permanently to the solid-state storage until the “Save”
button is clicked. Unsaved farm/server settings will be lost during a power outage or WebMux
Pause/ Resume
The status screen automatically refreshes frequently to provide the most up-to-date statuses.
You can use the Pause button to freeze the auto refresh.
After clicking the Pause button, the button will change to Resume and the auto refresh will stop.
Click the Resume button to restart the auto refresh.
Adjusting Health Check Timeout for Each Service
Clicking on the service type (under the service column) for the farm or clicking on the “modify
health check” button on the left of the main screen will allow you to change the timeout value of
application level health check for each different service. For example, the default timeout to
check the HTTP protocol is 5 seconds. If the web server does not respond to the WebMux
protocol check within 5 seconds, the WebMux will declare that server is dead and switch that
server out from service and notify the operator through email or pager. Please note that this
change is global and will affect all the farms using the same type of service.
WebMux will declare a server dead only if it fails the health check 3 consecutive times.
If your web server is not really dead but for some reason is not responding to the checking
request within the given timeout, the WebMux will issue a false alarm. To avoid this, the user
can change the timeout value to a larger value. Many times, servers try to and cannot resolve
the IP address of WebMux server LAN interface and could cause the server to not respond to
the WebMux unit’s protocol checking in a timely manner. Adding the WebMux unit’s server LAN