User’s Manual
Technical Support
(650) 384-0000
1. Digital configuration is done by means of the radio’s built in browser interface.
The unit should be powered on and connected at least temporarily to a network
containing a computer that can run a conventional web browser.
2. Using your web browser, connect to the radio as described in the Quick Start
Guide found earlier in this manual.
3. The initial screen after a successful login is “Quick Set”:
4. Each screen provides a menu on the left to navigate from
section to section. The menu looks like this when sections are
In addition, many screens “drill down” when an area within the
screen is clicked.
In the upper right of the screen is a label that tells you the ver-
sion of the web interface. If the version number is not the same
as shown below, you might want to visit
to see if a newer version of this manual exists before proceeding
You are cautioned not to use the “back” button on your browser to attempt to
move back to earlier screens. If you do, you will be logged out and will need to
login again.
Connecting to the radio