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3) Locate the plumbing adaptors and bypass valve
assembly that was shipped with your system,
attach the three o-rings to the rear of the valve
and lubricate them using the included silicone
lubricant packet as shown in Figure 8-A
4) Push the bypass valve snugly to the back of the
Autotrol 255/760 valve and use the screws and
nuts to secure the bypass valve as shown in
figure Figure 8-B
F I G u R e 8 - a
F I G u R e 8 - B
F I G u R e 8 - F
7) Locate the two plumbing adaptors supplied
with your system. Insert the plumbing adapter
through the universal nut and then push down
the gasket over the adaptor flange as shown in
Figure 8-E below
8) Secure each plumbing adaptor onto the bypass as
shown in Figure 8-F.
If you are using copper
connections, first prefabricate and sweat a
12” tube section onto each adaptor and cool
BefORe assembly to the bypass.
This prevents
overheating the nut and bypass during plumbing
F I G u R e 8 - C
F I G u R e 8 - e
5) Locate the drain port on the bypass, apply Teflon
tape in a clockwise fashion, locate the included
drain barb elbow, and assemble the fitting as
shown in Figure 8-C
6) Assemble your ½” I.D. drain line to the drain barb.
sure to use rigid wall ½” I.d. tubing that will not
Wrap electrical tape over the drain tubing
to prevent a tube split and clamp the tubing secure-
ly into place with the included clamp as shown in
Figure 8-D.
Connect the other end of this drain
line tubing securely to a standpipe or drain in
accordance with all local plumbing codes
F I G u R e 8 - d