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IronHorse GSDA-DP-D DC Drives Accessory User Manual – 1st Ed. Rev. A – 11/11/2019
Annunciator will illuminate. Pressing the Up or Down button increases or decreases the selected
Parameter’s value. With only one exception, value changes take effect immediately. For example, when
adjusting P-I-D settings, the change in response can be observed live, which greatly facilitates the P-I-D
tuning process. Once the desired value is showing in the display window, pressing the Enter button
again will return to Parameter-Selection Mode and the new value will be saved in permanent memory.
Removing power from the unit while in Value Mode will result in the specified new value being lost, and
the previous (old) value being used. This can be used as an undo, for example, during editing a value that
is being edited in the wrong Item. Note: Changes to Parameter 10, Operating Mode, do not take effect
until power is removed and re-applied to the speed control unit.
Detailed Configuration Instructions
Default Configuration
When shipped from the factory, the following basic settings are in place:
Closed-Loop Rate Mode Operation in RPM
Decimal Point Display: None
Display Range: 0 - 2400
Speed Range: 0 - 2400 RPM
Accel and Decel: 9999 RPM per second
Signal Input 2 (S2) Mode: Jog (JOG1) @ 1000 RPM when Low
Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 Outputs: Disabled
Resetting to Factory Defaults
The factory-default settings can be easily restored using either of two methods. Both methods require the
Program Enable jumper to be in the On position. The first is to apply power to the unit with both the Enter
and Down buttons pressed for 3 seconds. The second is to change the value of Parameter 95 to 5.
JP1 (Program Enable Jumper)
The JP1 jumper is located under the dust cover on the back end of the upper board. When the jumper
is set to the Off position, all programming features are locked out from the front panel user. When the
jumper is in the On position, the programming Parameters are open to change. JP1 is shipped from the
factory set in the On position.
Setting and Reading SoftSwitches
Like many other devices, the motor speed control has the ability to select between a number of yes/no or
on/off options, depending upon the application. Traditionally, this sort of option-selecting was done with
some sort of physical switch or switches (such as a DIP switch), or by other means, such as the jumper
block used to enable/disable programming on this unit. There are two problems with this approach to
Both DIP switches and jumper blocks are physically large, and most require that the device be at least
partially disassembled to gain access to them.
• On
a device with more than just a very few options, the number and combinations of switches quickly
becomes overwhelming.
Because of these drawbacks, this motor controller takes a different approach (where appropriate):
It is easiest to think of a Parameter containing SoftSwitches as a DIP switch containing from one to
thirty-two switches. But instead of actually flipping a switch on or off, you can set and read these
switches as decimal numbers, each of which represents a binary switch number. Each switch, from #1
through #32, has been assigned a decimal number that represents its position in the virtual DIP switch
assembly. When that number is used, it means that the switch is on. For example, the decimal number that