Appendix C: MQTT Broker Examples
Stride MQTT Gateway User Manual, 1st Edition
The Stride MQTT Gateway can integrate your Modbus data into an IIoT system using any MQTT broker.
It is compatible with popular public IIoT platforms such as Amazon AWS, IBM Watson IoT, ThingsBoard
and others. You can also set up you own MQTT broker using Mosquitto or other MQTT software.
The steps to set up the Stride MQTT Gateway are essentially identical regardless of which MQTT Broker
you plan to use, but a given broker may require specific settings for the MQTT connection, topic syntax or
message structure. Please check the requirements of your chosen system prior to configuring the gateway.
To demonstrate the MQTT setup, including both the gateway and MQTT broker, we will present two
examples; one using a public Mosquitto testing server, and one using