Chapter 1: Hardware
Stride MQTT Gateway User Manual, 1st Edition
Hardware Overview
The Stride MQTT Gateway is an industrial device specifically designed to implement an Industrial Internet
of Things (IIoT) data collection system. It allows bidirectional communication between Modbus field
equipment and an MQTT broker. It provides a Modbus RTU master interface on RS-485 and Modbus
TCP over Ethernet. Variables can be read from Modbus slave devices on change or at fixed time intervals and
are sent to the MQTT broker with optional SSL/TLS client certificate authentication.
The Wi-Fi model (Part No. SGW-MQ1611-WF) uses 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac in 2400MHz or 5500MHz bands.
Setup of the device is through a built-in web interface. The MQTT message structure can be configured
to better adapt to different MQTT brokers (e.g., Amazon AWS, IBM Watson IoT, Mosquitto, etc.). It is
possible to remotely update the firmware through the web interface.
The gateway has a low-profile format, suitable for DIN rail mounting inside industrial electrical cabinets. The
full galvanic isolation ensures a good protection against interference present in industrial environments. A
dedicated hardware Watchdog manages the automatic reset of the device. Signaling LEDs allow an immediate
diagnosis of device operation.
SAFETY NOTICE: The Stride MQTT Gateway allows the user to connect to remote industrial controls equipment.
The remote user may operate and monitor the local control system and affect the function and control of the
application just as the local operator controls it. Proper Control, Security and Safety Procedures should be
considered and implemented when writing data to a remote device or system.