Toll Free: 1300-350-635 www.catevolution.com.au Aust & NZ
If you are using a litter alternative not listed here, please
contact us at [email protected] to make sure you are
using a compatible litter.
When filling the Litter-Robot with litter for the first time, we
recommend that you do not switch litter brands yet. Your
cat/s need to get used to this new litter box and introducing
a new litter may increase their level of apprehension and
anxiety. However, if you are currently using a non-clumping
litter you will need to switch to a clumping type litter.
For the initial charge of litter, we recommend starting with
4-4.5 kg (approximately 5.5 L volume) of clumping litter.
Fill the Globe with clumping litter through the entryway and
spread the litter flat until it meets or is slightly below the
raised Fill Line on the black rubber liner.
You can use one of the corner braces from the original
packaging as a temporary funnel for the initial charge of
Fill litter to raised Fill Line on
black rubber liner.