Revised 8/14/02 • U551
© 2002 Automated Logic Corporation
2. Check the Unet communication wiring for
shorts, grounds, or opens.
3. Connect the Unet communication wires to
the Unet Port (see Figure 1 on page 3).
Replace the module's power jumper. You
must transfer memory to the UNI before the
U551 is recognized.
Communicating Through the
LogiStat Port
You can connect your workstation to the Unet
and the ARC156 or Legacy CMnet network
segment using a LogiStat sensor. While
connected, the UNI does not allow a restart
(zap), a memory transfer, or any other action
that would break the passthrough
The LogiStat Port connection does not apply
in WebCTRL.
To communicate through the LogiStat port,
the U551 must:
• be connected to a UNI on an ARC156
network segment
• use the appropriate module driver
For SuperVision systems, use a version
6.01d or later of the U1M, U3M, U5M, or
UNM module driver
Communication speed is fixed at 1200 baud.
1. Connect the computer’s serial port to the
EIA-232 port of the APT using a standard
straight-through cable.
2. Set the APT’s Mode Select switch to TTL
(see Figure 6 on page 7).
If you are using a LogiStat Plus without
supplemental power to the APT, make
sure the LED on the Logistat Plus is on
indicating that it can provide power to the
APT. If the LED is not on, you can provide
power to the APT using the Supplemental
Power +5V dc connection (see Figure 6 on
page 7) and the special power cable to a
laptop keyboard jack, or an external
supply, such as a 5V dc transformer.
3. Define the connection type.
In SuperVision v3.0, define the connection
as Access Port.
In SuperVision v2.6, define the connection
as Direct Connect.
4. Set the baud rate at 1200 bps.
5. Attach the LogiStat Adaptor cable (ALC
part number 235022) to the APT cable.
Use this assembly to connect the APT’s
Access Port to the LogiStat’s LogiPort.
While connected, the LogiStat Pro
displays “LP” indicating that the LogiStat
Pro will not respond to input from the
When the LogiStat Adaptor cable
is inserted into the LogiPort, the U551 can
no longer read the LogiStat inputs. The
U551 continues to use the last valid
temperature and setpoint adjust readings
obtained before the cable was inserted
into the LogiPort. If the occupancy
override timer was active when the
connection was made, it continues to
count down, but no new values can be
obtained for these inputs until the
LogiStat Adaptor cable is removed. See
Eikon for WebCTRL Microblock
Figure 5. Using the PROT485 on the Unet
U n f u s e d :
U s e f o r in s id e
w i r i n g
RE V 0
Au tomated Logic, C orp
S h a r e d c o n n e c t i o n :
F u s e d o r u n f u s e d
To U modules