Copyright of RotorSport UK Ltd
Document number RSUK0060
Page 32 of 101 Page issue
, dated
Other notable differences: the RotorSystem II hub bar is scalloped, with different lengths
of blade to hub bar bolt, and is also heavier than the earlier rotor. Typical weight is 30.5
– 35kg
. The built-in coning angle is also increased from 2deg per side to
WARNING! It is important to fit the correct length bolt in the associated hole! Fitting the
wrong length bolt may result in insufficient safety protrusion through the nylock nut, or that
the nut jams on the shank of the bolt before the joint is properly tightened.
It is very important that the correct rotor is used with the correct type of rotor head tower
and teeter stops. The RotorSystem II rotor
will not fit to an earlier rotorhead. An
earlier rotor (orange end caps) would fit the RotorSystem II rotorhead, but the teeter stops
would allow excessive movement, potentially causing rotor to make tail or propeller
contact. The tower used with a RotorSystem II rotor is 40mm higher than that used on
earlier aircraft.
It is good practice to fit one blade to the hub bar first, with the nuts loose, and then the
second blade – taking care that the blades are supported at the natural angle to each
other of around 4degrees. Three trestles are ideal for this, with the middle trestle cut short
to suit.
When assembling, or dis-assembling, do not remove or adjust any other nuts/bolts on the
hub assembly – the tracking is factory set, and adjusting may change these settings and
adversely affect rotor balance.
To fit the rotor to the aircraft proceed as follows:
1. Brake the aircraft securely.
2. Engage the rotor brake with the rotor hub set fore/aft.
3. With the aid of a helper, and some steps, raise the rotor assembly up into the rotor
head. A suitable box placed on the back seat as a step aids fitment significantly.
4. Push through the teeter bolt (making sure the two spacers are greased and in place
either side of the hub block) and hand tighten. These spacers may be two different
thicknesses. Fit as dot marked on the rotor and head hub.