Technical What’s New
Improved Loft Usability
The process for creating lofted features involves
multiple selections to define the section profiles and
guide paths� You can use the dialog box to switch
between selecting the profile sections, rails, and
centerlines, or you can right-click and use the context
menu� Previous releases of Autodesk Inventor did
not have a context menu for the loft command� You
returned to the dialog box each time you changed the
selection type� The function to right-click and use a
context menu to change the selection type is added�
XYZ Axis Indicator Labels
X, Y, and Z labels are added to the ends of the
respective arrows of the XYZ indicator that appears in
3D views, part sketches and drawing sketches�
Auto Save
The new Auto Save function provides a save reminder
after a specified time period if your file needs to be
saved� You are provided with the option to launch a
standard File>Save request and save the document
in which you are working and its dependents�
Alternatively, you can click X to close the bubble
temporarily, and continue the timer, or click “Do not
show this message again” to turn off or turn on the Save
Reminder behavior�
Content Management
Desktop Content
If you are a stand-alone user, you can now store
Content Center libraries on your computer in the
Desktop Content folder� This new option provides
improved performance and eliminates the need to
install Microsoft
SQL and IIS on the desktop�
Material Guide
The Material Guide provides a streamlined environment
for adding material information to content� It includes
options for adding materials such as new Families
or new Family members and for adding a material
designator to File Name and Part Number� There is
also an option to remove existing materials that are no
longer needed�
Edit Family Tables in Excel
You can export the family table in Microsoft® Excel®,
edit the data, and then import the data back to the
family table�
Assembly Management
User-defined Assembly Folders
With browser folders, you can organize the browser to
more readily communicate design intent through logical
groupings of parts and drawing resources�
Use folders to organize your assembly browser and
improve workflow� Define folders, based on your chosen
convention, to group browser nodes�
Enhanced Assembly Restructure
Using Autodesk Inventor software, you can place or
create a component in an assembly without worrying
where it will reside in the final assembly structure� You
can restructure an assembly by moving parts, groups
of parts, component patterns, or entire subassemblies
within the browser hierarchy without changing the
physical position of previously placed parts�
Inventor will maintain constraints between components
when the assembly is restructured wherever possible�
User Coordinate Systems
The new user coordinate system,
or UCS, introduces more flexibility
and simplifies many advanced
design workflows� Commands
are provided to create a UCS in
parts, assemblies, and drawings�
Examples of the application of
user coordinate systems include:
• Moving sketches with respect to
reference geometry
• Changing the location of the 0, 0, 0 origin point, XY
plane, and Z axis
The user coordinate system is useful for entering
coordinates, creating 3D objects on 2D workplanes, and
rotating objects in 3D�
Autodesk Inventor 2010