Technical What’s New
Assembly Productivity Tools
Twelve tools that enhance assembly productivity are
included with this release� These tools were previously
available as an optional install�
• Rename Browser Nodes—This tool provides key en
hancements and the ability to identify all component
nodes within an assembly using one of three naming
schemes: filename, part number, or the default�
• Add Part—This tool provides a streamlined version of
Inventor software’s default Create Component com-
mand using a part file as the default�
• Add Subassembly —This tool provides a streamlined
version of Inventor software’s default Create Compo-
nent command using an assembly file as the default�
• Save and Replace Component—This tool allows you
to select a component, save a copy, and replace the
component with the saved copy�
Sheet Metal Design
Contour Roll
Similar to the Contour Flange feature, the Contour Roll
requires an open profile sketch as input� Additionally,
the Contour Roll feature also requires the identification
of a sketched axis of revolution as well as an angle�
Offset direction options allow both the material
thickness and angle to be offset to one side or the other
of the selected profile or to use the selected profile as
the midplane of the material thickness or swept angle�
Contour Roll features may be unrolled using the Unfold
feature� The resulting straight section may be further
unfolded, allowing the addition of features to the model
in a flattened state� This flat model can then be refolded
and rerolled�
Lofted Flange
The Lofted Flange provides the ability to create a
transition from one shape to another using two profiles
and to create these types of geometry� Selection of
two closed profiles such as a rectangle and a circle will
commonly be used to create parts similar to HVAC
ducting, material handling hoppers, exhaust hoods,
etc� In addition, the Lofted Flange will accept two open
profiles, or one closed and one open profile� The profiles
need not be parallel to each other�
An important consideration in the creation of a Lofted
Flange is the manufacturing process used to produce
the part� The Lofted Flange feature provides output
options that support both die-forming and press brake
fabrication� The die-form option produces smooth
transitions from one end to the other� The press brake
option automatically decomposes the shape into a
number of flat faces and straight bends�
Rip provides an easy way to add a gap in a
Lofted Flange that will allow the model
to flatten� The rip feature is defined by
identifying a point on one edge of the
face or by identifying two points—one
on either side of the selected face�
A Rip feature can also be created by
removing an entire face—often a bend
face between two shape defining faces�
Unfold/Refold Feature Pair
These two features are typically used as a pair� The
Unfold feature can be added to a folded sheet metal
model to allow the unfolding or unrolling of an existing
feature� Once the folded model has unfolded features it
is likely that features will be added that are most easily
defined in the flat� Following adding these features, a
Refold feature returns the model to the original folded
Autodesk Inventor 2010