Drawing Manager
Aligned Section Views
Generate align section views on views where the
section line consist of two or more line segments�
Aligned or Projected methods of aligned section views
are controlled in the Section View dialog box�
Dual Units Display
Dual units can be displayed on Hole Notes, Chamfer
Notes, Bend Notes, Punch Notes, Hole Tables, Bend
Tables, and Punch Tables�
The dual units display behavior is controlled by new
controls on the Alternate Units tab in dimension style
for all note types�
Arrange Dimensions Tool
A new command in the Annotate panel enables you to
arrange groups of selected dimensions (linear, angular,
coordinate, true isometric dimensions)�
You can select dimensions in the drawing first, and
then execute the Arrange Dimensions command�
Alternatively, you can click the Arrange Dimensions
command first, and then select the dimensions in the
You can select dimensions that lie along one axis or
dimensions arranged along multiple axes�
You can arrange dimensions in one or multiple views�
User-defined Symbol Folders
Use folders to organize your sketch symbols in the
Drawing Resources� Define folders under Sketched
Symbols and group the appropriate symbols within�
If you find that you recreate the same symbol folders
repeatedly for different drawings, consider using a
drawing template with the folders predefined�
User-defined symbol folders are represented by
distinctive icons and they exhibit the same open and
close behavior as other Inventor browser folders�
Design Accelerators
Drum Cam Generator
A new Drum Cam Generator was added to the Design
Accelerator design tools� It is located in the Design tab
in Assemblies� It enables you to design and calculate
drum cams, perform the strength check, and insert
them into the assembly�
Spur Gear Improvements
You can now export exact tooth
geometry from spur gears as well as
manually adjust backlash in order
to achieve appropriate working and
manufacturing conditions for your spur
gear set�
An improved preview option provides
animated previews showing gear teeth
mesh as well as pinion-to-rack mesh
and gear-to-rack mesh�
O-Ring Generator Improvements
Using O-Ring Component Generator you can now
pattern radial and axial O-rings�
Bearing Generator Enhancements
A new Orientation button in the Bearing Generator
makes it easy to flip the bearing orientation to
simplify the addition of bearings that must be oriented
correctly such as tapered and angular contact bearings�
The bearing remains in the same position mated to
the same reference plane while the orientation its
orientation is changed by 180 degrees�
Autodesk Inventor 2010
Technical What’s New