Demoboard Operation Manual
Revision 1.1, 04 Jul-06 www.austriamicrosystems.com
Page 10 of 21
Decimal Indicator: This indicator will display the absolute position, which is the new Zero-position as a decimal
number. This value is updated, every time the button "set current angle = 0" is clicked. The factory default setting is
0. If, after power-up, a value other than 0 is displayed, this indicates that the encoder has already been
Button “Read”: This button reads the settings of the OTP register. It will overwrite any settings made since the
last power-up, e.g. incremental mode, resolution, zero-position, index or ccw.
Button “Set Current Angle”: When this button is pressed, the currently read angle is updated as the new
temporary zero position. The Indicators will display the current (internal) reading and the absolute output will be
reset to = 0.
Clockwise / Counter-clockwise operation: This selector reverses the direction of both the incremental as well as
the absolute outputs. This bit should be set, when the magnet is placed underneath the AS5043 to match the
physical rotation with the indicated rotation.
Permanent programming:
The button “permanent write” is used to program the OTP registers permanently. It can only be used for the
external encoder and it is disabled by firmware when the onboard encoder is selected. To write the register
settings permanently, a programming DC voltage of 7.5V to 8V must be applied to pin Vzapp (+) of the 3-pin
connector on the right hand side of the demo board (top view). The external supply must be able to source up to
130 mA.
All the required timings for programming the external AS5043 encoder are controlled by the AS5043 demo board
USB controller. As long as no programming voltage is applied to the chip, clicking the "permanent write" button has
no effect, although a warning message is displayed.
Alignment Mode Tab
The Alignment Mode simplifies the centering of the magnet over the chip surface. In this mode, the absolute value
of the 10-bit angular data of the SSI interface indicates the magnitude of misalignment at a particular angle.
A low value indicates a well-centered magnet. A high value indicates that the magnet is off-center and needs to be
shifted towards the diagonal center of the encoder.
A high value indicates large X or Y displacement, but also higher absolute magnetic field strength. The magnet is
properly aligned, when the difference between highest and lowest value over one full turn is at a minimum.
Figure 9 Alignment Mode