User Guide
Port Processing Session
– Choose between the following modes of operation.
- Ports are just serial ports manipulated via RPC / Telnet / TCP commands.
Push to Variable
- RX data is pushed via Aurora RPC to given Master Remote IP.
Push to Port
- RX data is pushed to given IP remote serial port via Aurora RPC.
Telnet Client
- Unit will attempt to connect to given server IP and pass and receive serial port data.
Telnet Server
- Unit will wait for external connection to pass and receive serial port data.
Unit’s (TX/RX) serial ports are linked so any serial RX data will come out the TX on
the other serial port.
Test Serial Transmit
– Enter a serial string to send out the RS-232 port for testing of connecting device.
IR Ports
– Selecting the activate IR repeater mode enables the transfer of the IR ports signals to and
from the TX and RX units. If it is not selected only RPC / Telnet / TCP commands will trigger the IR ports
locally or remotely. IR files are stored on the ftp of the DXE-CAT-RX3C / RX3C-A unit in the IR folder.