IP address : [Automatic]
Subnet Mask : [Automatic]
Gateway : [Automatic]
Ethernet Port 2 Settings
MAC address : [00-11-02-01-00-03]
Host Name : [WACINX2]
DHCP Enabled : Yes
IP address : [Automatic]
Subnet Mask : [Automatic]
Gateway : [Automatic]
Password : [admin]
OS Loaded : Yes
OS Filename : nk.bin
<Press Enter>
1: Restore Factory Defaults
This option restores the NXT-700’s network settings to the factory defaults.
2: Configure IP Settings
Use to enable DHCP or manually set an IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address.
Configure which network card (1 or 2)? 1
Enable DHCP (Y/N)?N
Enter new IP address:
Enter new Subnet mask:
Enter Gateway IP address:
Successfully changed IP settings.
<Press Enter>
Configure which network card (1 or 2)? 1
Enable DHCP (Y/N)?Y
Successfully changed IP settings.
<Press Enter>