Generates a random number between 0 and 32,767 seeded by the number of milliseconds since
the device boot.
replace(String, S1, S2)
Search string for findstr and replace with newstr. If the string S1
cannot be found inside of String, just return the original string. Example:
replace(“abcdef”,”xyz”,”abc”) returns “abcdef”.
If the string to replace occurs more than once, replace each instance. Example:
replace(“abcabcabc”,”bc”,”Z”) returns “aZaZaZ”.
RStr(string, integer)
Returns string
Return integer number of characters from the right of string. Example:
string=“abcdef”, RStr(string,3)=“def”
rstrstr(string, string2find)
Returns integer
Searching Right to Left, finds string2find inside of string and returns the beginning location
of string2find.
Failure to find returns -1. Example:
string=“abcabc”, string2find=“bc”, returns 4
Returns string
Removes trailing spaces from string. Example:
Rtrim(“ test”) returns “test”
Returns Integer
Returns the number of characters in the string. Example:
strlen(“test”) returns “4”
Returns string
Returns the lower case version of a string. Example:
strlwr(“TEST”) returns “test”
strstr(string, string2find)
Returns integer
Searching Left to Right, finds string2find inside of string and returns the beginning
location of string2find.
Failure to find returns -1. Example:
string=“abcdef” string2find=“bc” = returns 1
- converts a string to a binary data stream, and returns the binary data stream
Returns string
Returns the upper case version of a string. Example:
strupr(“test”) returns “TEST”
substr(String, StartChar, NumOfChars)
Returns string. Example:
substr(“abcdef”,2) or substr(“abcdef”,2,0) returns “cdef”
Returns string
Remove leading and trailing spaces from string. Example:
Trim(“ test “) returns “test”