EAN 128
A high density symbology which allows the controller to encode all 128 .ASCII characters
without adding extra symbol elements.
Similar Automatic Identification Manufacturers, Inc. of the United States(AIMUSA) have
standardized the reporting of data sources from barcode reading devices. Sending the AIM symbol-
ogy prefix identifies the symbology to the host terminal, allowing it to specifically differentiate
between UCC-128(Code128 with Function Character 1 in the first position ) and standard Code128
symbols. When this feature is disabled, the host cannot differentiate between these symbols.
Scan the labels below to enable or disable the sending of an AIM symbology
ID prefix.
To choose Separator EAN 128 = <GS>
-1 Use the ASCII TABLE to know the hexadecimal value of character GS ( GS = 1D)
-2 Scan " Setting separator EAN 128 "
-3 Scan "1" and "D" in appendix A
-4 Scan "End of Setting"
* Check Digit Code 128 Cip not verified
EAN 128 Not actived
EAN 128 Separator = ]C1
Check Digit Code 128 Cip verified
* EAN 128 Actived
* EAN Separator = GS
Setting EAN 128 Separator (* Default = GS
End of Setting
Auro 2908
EAN 128